@article{8d280c38-73c4-4198-97a7-2c274d228e7c, author = {Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech}, title = {Refractions, Adaptations, and Simplifications of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness in the Polish Culture in the Twenty-first Century}, journal = {Yearbook of Conrad Studies}, volume = {2017}, number = {Vol. 12}, year = {2018}, issn = {1899-3028}, pages = {27-45},keywords = {Heart of Darkness; refraction; simplification; adaptation; retranslation}, abstract = {The paper aims at a comparative analysis of four Polish retranslations of Heart of Darkness, not to show the differences but to reveal the procedures and techniques by means of which translators, editors, and publishers refract (manipulate) the translated text. It is my contention that particular versions of Heart of Darkness function in diverse ways in Polish culture and each rendition is targeted at a different audience. The retranslations will be analysed using the methodology of the Manipulation School and its development by André Lefevere.}, doi = {10.4467/20843941YC.17.002.8659}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/yearbook-of-conrad-studies/artykul/refractions-adaptations-and-simplifications-of-joseph-conrads-heart-of-darkness-in-the-polish-culture-in-the-twenty-first-century} }