%0 Journal Article %T Lwowscy filolodzy klasyczni i nowożytni w roli historyków literatury polskiej %A Chrostek, Mariusz %J Prace Historyczne %V 2018 %R 10.4467/20844069PH.18.017.7819 %N Numer 145 (2) %P 339-354 %K Lwów, Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza, filologia klasyczna, romanistyka, germanistyka, anglistyka, komparatystyczne badania %@ 0083-4351 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-historyczne/artykul/lwowscy-filolodzy-klasyczni-i-nowozytni-w-roli-historykow-literatury-polskiej %X Lviv classical and modern philologists in the role of historians of Polish literature The influence of antiquity, especially of the heritage of Greece and Rome on Polish literature, as well as of the Latin literature on the development of the national language, resulted in valuable monographs and studies by classical philologists. Zygmunt Węclewski became a pioneer in the study of Polish-Latin poetry. His achievements were continued by Ludwik Ćwikliński and Bronisław Kruczkiewicz. In the interwar period, Jerzy Kowalski became famous for his brilliant translations and editions of Adam Mickiewicz’s Lausanne lectures. The greatest contributution from classical philologists to Polish literature came from Ryszard Ganszyniec. Also the Romanist Edward Porębowicz was an expert on Polish literature. His comparative studies included: the Baroque period, poetry of the Great Romantics, and poetry of the Young Poland. Another Romanist, Kazimierz Jarecki, contributed numerous articles devoted to Słowacki’s works. Lviv Germanicists, Richard Maria Werner and Emil Petzold, showed many unknown connections between Mickiewicz’s work and German literature. The only Lviv professor of the English studies, Władysław Tarnawski, published works on Cyprian Norwid and Jan Kasprowicz and popularized the works of Henryk Sienkiewicz. The overview of Polish literature specialists concludes with the figure of Jan Janów, a researcher of Polish Medieval and Renaissance literature and its reception on the Ukrainian soil.