@article{87c624de-2393-4ed7-923c-cf888bff1b65, author = {Wojciech Swędzioł}, title = {<p> Przestrzenie natury jako obszar promocji zdrowia – wybrane perspektywy poznawcze i przegląd badań</p>}, journal = {Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej}, volume = {2018}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.4467/24496138ZPS.18.020.10075}, issn = {1507-4285}, pages = {313-329},keywords = {nature; human well-being; health promotion; challenge}, abstract = {<div class="text input-text"> <p> <strong>The spaces of nature as an area of health promotion – selected cognitive perspectives and research review</strong></p> <p> Subject of this article is widely understood health crisis, including the psychological and physiological condition of humanity as a result of detachment from the natural environment. Theoretical introduction to a review of research focusing on nature’s infl uence on human wellbeing is Professor Józef Bańka’s euthyphronics. Nature influences psychological, physiological and general well-being at every stage of his life, while axiological organising of environment allows him to prevent symptoms of detachment with nature and technological development. One of the probable symptoms of those eff orts and at the same time reaction to proposed by Professor Bańka “paradoks przełatwienia” being a paradox of life seeming too easy thanks to the technology supporting a human in various tasks, is actively seeking new challenges. This lifestyle is examined through basic ideas of logotherapy and chosen episodes of the life of its author Victor Frankl – not only a brilliant scientist but mountaineer and alpine climber as well.</p> </div>}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-pracy-socjalnej/artykul/przestrzenie-natury-jako-obszar-promocji-zdrowia-wybrane-perspektywy-poznawcze-i-przeglad-badan} }