@article{83bd667f-6215-4511-a3a3-8ee5c19aa772, author = {Justyna Gałuszka}, title = {Mowy Jakuba Sobieskiego na pogrzebach Stanisława, Jana i Reginy Żółkiewskich jako przykład oratorstwa siedemnastowiecznego – edycja źródłowa}, journal = {Terminus}, volume = {2019}, number = {Tom 21, zeszyt 1 (50) 2019}, year = {2019}, issn = {2082-0984}, pages = {105-140},keywords = {old-Polish funeral; funeral speeches; Jakub Sobieski; Stanisław Żółkiewski; critical source edition}, abstract = {Jakub Sobieski’s Speech at the Funerals of Stanisław, Jan and Regina Żółkiewski as an Example of 17th-Century Oratory – Source Edition The 17th-century funeral ceremonies included occasional speeches given by a close relative, friend, or acquaintance, which supplemented the preachers’ sermons. The paper is a discussion and critical source edition of Jakub Sobieski’s (1590–1646) speeches on three representatives of the Żółkiewski family: Stanisław (1547–1620), Jan (d. 1623), and Regina (1566–1624). Sobieski was considered one of the best orators of his time. He was oft en invited to various events, which he honoured with his speeches. Those delivered at Żółkiewskis’ funerals strike with their depth and show the tragedy of this family, but at the same time they display Sobieski’s oratorical skills, education, and erudition. They also emphasize the genealogical relations between the Sobieski and Żółkiewski families. They capture a portrait of a tragic family: an image of a great hetman, who heroically defended his homeland in advanced age, a son who imitated the actions of his father, and a virtuous mother and wife—three models worthy of distinction and praise.}, doi = {10.4467/20843844TE.19.005.10505}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/terminus/artykul/mowy-jakuba-sobieskiego-na-pogrzebach-stanislawa-jana-i-reginy-zolkiewskich-jako-przyklad-oratorstwa-siedemnastowiecznego-edycja-zrodlowa} }