TY - JOUR TI - Wybrane aspekty realizacji zadań rozwojowych a procesy tożsamościowe u kobiet we wczesnej dorosłości AU - Oleszkowicz, Anna AU - Misztela, Anna TI - Wybrane aspekty realizacji zadań rozwojowych a procesy tożsamościowe u kobiet we wczesnej dorosłości AB - The present study investigated the relations between selected aspects of two developmental tasks typical of early adulthood (Marriage/Partner relationships and Work) and identity formation. The issue appears to be relevant as a postponement of developmental tasks realization as well as a lengthening of the time of identity formation can be observed. The sample included 151 women at the age of 22–30. The relation was measured with the use of two questionnaires: the Developmental Tasks Scale by A. Oleszkowicz, A. Misztela and Questionnaire of Identity Formation by A. Oleszkowicz, A Słowińska (referring to the Dual-Cycle Model of Identity Formation by Luyckx et al., 2006). The results show that a higher level of preparation for doing the investigated developmental tasks and a higher satisfaction resulting from the stage and way of their realization are connected with a higher identification with commitment. The opposite relation refers to ruminative exploration and exploration in breadth. Moreover, we observe more relations between the investigated aspects of developmental tasks and identification with commitment in the case of Marriage/Partner relationships than in the case of Work. On the basis of the results of the study, one can conclude that a greater involvement in doing developmental tasks typical of early adulthood is to a higher degree accompanied with a willingness to take responsibility for a long-term commitment, and to a lower degree with a need to seek for new solutions, as well as anxiety and uncertainty connected with exploration processes. VL - 2017 IS - Tom 22, Numer 4 PY - 2018 SN - 1895-6297 C1 - 2084-3879 SP - 75 EP - 88 DO - 10.4467/20843879PR.17.023.8069 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/wybrane-aspekty-realizacji-zadan-rozwojowych-a-procesy-tozsamosciowe-u-kobiet-we-wczesnej-doroslosci KW - wczesna dorosłość KW - zadania rozwojowe KW - związki małżeńskie/partnerskie KW - praca zawodowa KW - procesy tożsamościowe