%0 Journal Article %T Kształcenie menedżerów kultury na przykładzie studiów podyplomowych zarządzanie kulturą %A Gaweł, Łukasz %A Konior, Agnieszka %A Pokojska, Weronika %J Zarządzanie w Kulturze %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20843976ZK.20.021.12681 %N Tom 21, Numer 3 %P 253-273 %K menedżer kultury, badanie losów absolwentów, studia podyplomowe, zarządzanie kulturą, Uniwersytet Jagielloński / cultural manager, monitoring the careers of alumni, postgraduate studies, culture management, the Jagiellonian University %@ 1896-8201 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/ksztalcenie-menedzerow-kultury-na-przykladzie-studiow-podyplomowych-zarzadzanie-kultura %X The Education of Culture Managers: The Example of the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Management at the Jagiellonian University The aim of this article is the presentation of the results of an evaluation of the postgraduate program in Cultural Management at the Jagiellonian University in 2010–2019. The introductory part of the text presents the circumstances of the emergence of the program and its later development. The evaluation itself is based on three elements: an analysis of the students’ profile, an alumni career survey, and an analysis of the environment. The collected data have been supplemented with information obtained from interviews with students.