%0 Journal Article %T Zachowania i preferencje małych i śerednich firm w Polsce w zakresie korzystania z usług bankowych – zmiany i trendy %A Walkowiak-Markiewicz, Katarzyna %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2013 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.13.015.2651 %N Tom 32 %P 220-236 %K SME (small and medium enterprises), banking services, retail customers, behavioral finance, portfolio choice, banking channels %@ 2300-6102 %D 2013 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ibage/artykul/zachowania-i-preferencje-malych-i-serednich-firm-w-polsce-w-zakresie-korzystania-z-uslug-bankowych-zmiany-i-trendy %X Behaviour and preferences of small and medium enterprises in Poland in the area of using bank services – changes and trends Dynamic changes in the banking sector both in Poland and in the world have impact on behaviour and preferences of small and medium enterprises in the area of using bank services. The aim of this article is to present the trends in this issue and identify changes in the area of SME customers’ needs and the reasons of these changes. Basis of the main conclusions in this article is research project: “MSP Finance”. The survey was conducted in years 2011–2012 on a representative group of SME companies (sample: 1094 SME companies, located in all Poland – all 16 regions). The main conclusions from the survey are following: there is a big impact of the financial situation of SME companies on behaviour and preferences in the field of using bank services (problems with financial liquidity) and the fact that the SME owners are not willing to make risk decision. The results of these phenomena are: a decrease in using bank credit products, a decrease in tendency to invest money, particularly among the micro companies, and a significant decrease in using bank term deposits. It is worth mentioning that the role of Internet banking is increasing in the relations of SME companies with banks.