@article{7a5bed0e-60df-40f7-982b-e6490f34267d, author = {Bartosz Malinowski}, title = {Jak Facebook zamyka nas w bańce informacyjnej. Algorytm filtrujący newsfeed a zjawisko filter bubble}, journal = {Zarządzanie Mediami}, volume = {2016}, number = {Tom 4, Numer 1}, year = {2016}, issn = {}, pages = {15-22},keywords = {Facebook; social media; filter bubble}, abstract = {How does Facebook traps us in a bubble. The Facebook’s content filter algorithm vs filter bubble effect The aim of the article is to analyze the relations between the Facebook’s content filter algorithm system and the filter bubble effect – a digital bubble that surrounds a user with personalized content and information, also isolating him from the information that does not fir his viewpoint. The Facebook’s content filter algorithm – also known as EdgeRank – is controversial due to its mechanism that prevents certain amount of information from reaching user. This invisible selection system might significantly affect the way we perceive the world – it traps us in a peculiar information bubble. The presented conclusions are to help in understanding the way the EdgeRank works, how it results in creating filter bubbles and what are the main threats being posed by it as well as the methods of reducing its negative effects. The article is divided into five chapters: 1.    Facebook as a source of information. 2.    The Facebook’s content filter algorithm. 3.    Filter bubble in theory and in reality. 4.    The consequences of being trapped in a information bubble. 5.    How to reduce the negative effects of filter bubble?  }, doi = {10.4467/23540214ZM.15.002.5212}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/jak-facebook-zamyka-nas-w-bance-informacyjnej-algorytm-filtrujacy-newsfeed-a-zjawisko-filter-bubble} }