TY - JOUR TI - Polaków portret własny AU - Miliszkiewicz, Red. Janusz TI - Polaków portret własny AB - Portret – dzieło sztuki to brama do nieśmiertelności, buduje wizerunek, jest wizytówką modela. Na świecie prawnicy  zamawiają portrety nieprzerwanie od pokoleń. W artykule podjęto  próbę odpowiedzi na pytania: jak, komu i za ile pozować? Jak odrodzić dawną polską tradycję zamawiania portretów?     Polish self-portrait Abstract An artistic portrait is a gate to immortality. It builds an image and serves as the calling card of the model. All over the world, lawyers have always commissioned their portraits, nothing has changed in that for generations. In this paper, an attempt is made at answering questions of how, for whom and for how much to pose for a portrait and of how to revive the old Polish tradition of commissioning portraits. VL - 2015 IS - 1/2015 (1) PY - 2015 SN - 2391-7997 C1 - 2450-050X SP - 223 EP - 232 DO - 10.4467/2450050XSR.15.008.3776 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/saaclr/artykul/polakow-portret-wlasny KW - artistic portrait KW - zamawianie portretu KW -  model KW -  pozowanie KW -   portret – dzieło sztuki ; commissioning of portraits KW - model KW - posing