TY - JOUR TI - Mixing characteristics for gas-liquid system in an external-loop air-lift column AU - MusiaƂ, Monika AU - Bitenc, Marcelina AU - Karcz, Joanna TI - Mixing characteristics for gas-liquid system in an external-loop air-lift column AB - This paper presents the results of the experimental investigations of hydrodynamics for an external-loop air-lift column. Process characteristics (gas hold-up, liquid velocities, liquid circulation time and mixing time) were analyzed as a function of the modified Froude number. The obtained results were presented graphically and in the form of the quantitative correlations. VL - 2014 IS - Chemia Zeszyt 2-Ch (24) 2014 PY - 2014 SN - 0011-4561 C1 - 2353-737X SP - 105 EP - 114 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/czasopismo-techniczne/artykul/mixing-characteristics-for-gas-liquid-system-in-an-external-loop-air-lift-column KW - air-lift column KW - liquid velocity KW - liquid circulation time KW - mixing time