%0 Journal Article %T Cyfryzacja jako szansa na uniknięcie Europy dwóch prędkości – problem wykluczenia cyfrowego w Polsce i województwie pomorskim %A Rutka, Michalina %J Media Biznes Kultura %V 2017 %R 10.4467/25442554.MBK.17.013.7660 %N Numer 1 (2) 2017 %P 197-212 %K digital exclusion, internet, European Union, Two-Speed Europe, Pomeranian region, digital literacy. %@ 2451-1986 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/media-biznes-kultura/artykul/cyfryzacja-jako-szansa-na-unikniecie-europy-dwoch-predkosci-problem-wykluczenia-cyfrowego-w-polsce-i-wojewodztwie-pomorskim %X Digitalization as a chance to avert Two-Speed Europe – the issue of digital exclusion in Poland and Pomeranian region The article concerns the issue of digital exclusion analyzed in the Two-Speed Europe concept frameworks. The DESI report showing Poland’s low rank in digitalization is mentioned as the background for main infrastructural and psychological exclusion challenges analyses. Next, the suggestion for certain steps to be taken is included as the chance for Poland and the Pomeranian region to avoid second speed country position.