%0 Journal Article %T Kánon „velkých” Čechů a jeho role při formování národní identity mládeže prostřednictvím školní výuky dějepisu %A Gracová, Blažena %J Studia Historica Gedanensia %V 2019 %R 10.4467/23916001HG.19.008.12349 %N Tom 10 (2019) %P 100-119 %@ 2081-3309 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-historica-gedanensia/artykul/kanon-velkych-cechu-a-jeho-role-pri-formovani-narodni-identity-mladeze-prostrednictvim-skolni-vyuky-dejepisu %X Canon of “great” Czechs and its role by formation of national identity of schoolchildren through history teaching This study is based on analysis of the key educational documents and history textbooks. It deals with intentions of history teaching at the Czech elementary and secondary schools in Czechoslovakia during 1918–1938 with regard to possible formation of national identity of schoolchildren in the democratic multinational state. The aim is to demonstrate to which extent the history teaching has been affected by issues such as the nationalism of the newly formed state, stereotyped ideas about neighbouring nations and countries and also to which extent the historical traditions of other nations in the interwar Czechoslovakia were considered. Content analysis focuses on selected textbook narratives with possibility to assume certain stereotypes in creating images of “great” Czechs’ as a basis for strengthening the Czech national identity. These images are confronted with their transformation during the period of the communist regime.