@article{736659b0-71c0-4dd0-a753-893b17e2c9d1, author = {Anna Landau-Czajka}, title = {Kobiety w Palestynie oczyma polskojęzycznej prasy syjonistycznej}, journal = {Studia Judaica}, volume = {2018}, number = {Nr 2 (42)}, year = {2019}, issn = {1506-9729}, pages = {279-297},keywords = {Palestyna; kobiety; kibuce; równouprawnienie / Palestine; women; kibbutz; gender equality}, abstract = {WOMEN IN PALESTINE IN THE EYES OF THE POLISH-LANGUAGE ZIONIST PRESS The Zionist ideology proclaimed the equality of men and women, according to which everyone, regardless of gender, should prepare oneself to go to Eretz Israel and work hard to create a future state. However, reality did not always correspond to ideology. In the Polish-language Zionist press, one can find texts from which it transpires that theoretical ideological assumptions were not always implemented in practice. Despite the officially proclaimed gender equality, women were typically assigned to feminine activities, while being removed from more responsible ones. Neither did they themselves always wish to change the traditional division of roles. In the 1930s, this problem began to be noticed and inspired reflections on the possibility of changes. }, doi = {10.4467/24500100STJ.18.013.10264}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/kobiety-w-palestynie-oczyma-polskojezycznej-prasy-syjonistycznej} }