%0 Journal Article %T Tradycje muzyczne Żydów aszkenazyjskich a Radical Jewish Culture: definicje i treści dawnej i współczesnej muzyki żydowskiej %A Zapiór, Luiza %J Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ %V 2020 %R 10.4467/23537094KMMUJ.20.024.13210 %N Numer 47 (4/2020) %P 215-228 %K Jewish music, instrumental music, John Zorn, Radical Jewish Culture, contemporary music %@ 2956-4107 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kmmuj/artykul/tradycje-muzyczne-zydow-aszkenazyjskich-a-radical-jewish-culture-definicje-i-tresci-dawnej-i-wspolczesnej-muzyki-zydowskiej %X Jewish Music and Radical Jewish Culture: A Brief Outline of the Definitions and Content of Jewish Music in the Past and Nowadays The main purpose of the article is to describe John Zorn’s approach to klezmer music and Jewish music tradition in general. The text was split into shorter paragraphs. The first part of the article is dedicated to providing an overview of the problems concerning the definition of Jewish music. The second part focuses on analysing klezmer motifs in John Zorn’s selected works and Jewish symbols present in the visual layer connected with his works. The last paragraph contains a summary and conclusions.