%0 Journal Article %T Rachilde et le roman d’aventure %A Staroń, Anita %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Tom 17 (2017) %R 10.4467/20843917RC.17.017.7699 %N Tom 17, Numer 3 %P 183-191 %K Rachilde, Mercure de France, Adventure Novel. %@ 1732-8705 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/romanica-cracoviensia/artykul/rachilde-et-le-roman-daventure %X Rachilde and the adventure novel   In the discussions on the future of the novel at the end of the nineteenth century, the question of the adventure novel begins to emerge, notably thanks to Marcel Schwob and Camille Mauclair. It culminates with the study of Jacques Rivière, to which can be added the texts of Jacques Copeau and Albert Thibaudet. Rachilde, as critic of the Mercure de France, is not indifferent to this problem and formulates opinions which show the evolution of her aesthetic ideas towards the adventure novel. It seems interesting to compare these opinions with her novelistic practice which, precisely at this time, marks a significant turning point. The novels she published between 1904 and 1912: Le Dessous, Le Meneur de louves, Son Printemps, clearly differ from her previous works and confirm her interest in the new formula.