%0 Journal Article %T Between Chortkiv and Paris. Sasza Blonder / André Blondel 1909-1949 %A Styrna, Natasza %J Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia %V 2015 %R 10.4467/20843925SJ.15.011.4233 %N Volume 13 %P 143-154 %K Sasza Blonder, André Blondel, art, avant-garde, Jews, Grupa Krakowska, Kraków %@ 1733-5760 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/scripta-judaica-cracoviensia/artykul/between-chortkiv-and-paris-sasza-blonder-andre-blondel-1909-1949 %X The painter Sasza Blonder (1909-1949) was born into a tradition-observing Jewish family in Chortkiv in Podolia. In the 1930s he belonged to the avant-garde Grupa Krakowska, whose members were Poles and Jews of radical left views. His works of that period included both abstract and figurative compositions. He was the only artist in the group interested in subjects taken from Jewish life, examples of which can be found in his sketchbooks. In 1937 Blonder moved to Paris. During the war he hid in the south of France under the false name André Blondel. His memoirs written at this time testify to Blonder’s strong links with the Jewish milieu. His death at the early age of 40 interrupted the career of this interesting and talented artist.