@article{6c121a6f-2ff4-487c-8a4c-e6d3329cc3aa, author = {Katarzyna Lidia Babulewicz}, title = {Muzyczne reprezentacje przeszłości w dziecięcych filmach animowanych wyprodukowanych w Europie Środkowo- Wschodniej w latach komunizmu}, journal = {Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ}, volume = {2020}, number = {Numer 46 (3/2020)}, year = {2020}, issn = {2956-4107}, pages = {55-70},keywords = {musical representations of the past; music in animated films; animation in Central and Eastern Europe}, abstract = {Musical Representations of the Past in Animations for Children Produced in Central and Eastern Europe in Times of Communism   The subject of the article is the composition strategies of presenting the bygone time in animated films produced in the integrated cultural space that was, during the communist era, Central and Eastern Europe. Productions made in two countries – in the Soviet Union and in Poland – are considered. The discussion of film examples is conducted in an approximate chronological order, according to the time of production of individual pictures. The presentation of specific productions is not intended to exhaustively analyse these audiovisual works, but to review thematic threads related to the past and in their context compositional ideas and tendencies.}, doi = {10.4467/23537094KMMUJ.20.012.12854}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kmmuj/artykul/muzyczne-reprezentacje-przeszlosci-w-dzieciecych-filmach-animowanych-wyprodukowanych-w-europie-srodkowo-wschodniej-w-latach-komunizmu} }