%0 Journal Article %T The Threat to Cultural Heritage from Crime in Poland: 2016 Cases %A Jakubowski, Olgierd %J Santander Art and Culture Law Review %V 2017 %R 10.4467/2450050XSNR.17.034.8435 %N 2/2017 (3) %P 319-342 %K crime statistics, cultural heritage, robbery, destruction, Poland, police %@ 2391-7997 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/saaclr/artykul/the-threat-to-cultural-heritage-from-crime-in-poland-2016-cases %X Various methods of risk assessment can be deployed when examining the phenomenon of crime against cultural heritage. Annual data concerning instances of particular crimes involving cultural assets as well as case studies allow us to understand the trends in the activities of the perpetrators and help to develop methods of prevention. This article presents selected data as well as cases of offences discovered or committed in Poland in 2016, based on the statistics provided by the police, Customs Service, and Border Guard. It also presents data on final convictions of perpetrators of such acts. As part of the annual cycle of analysis, the developments illustrate the trends and risks to monuments and cultural assets in a given year. This complementary presentation of information about the threat to cultural heritage is important for research and policy-making aimed at developing strategies for its protection.