%0 Journal Article %T Polityczne aspekty zarządzania kryzysem migracyjnym w Bułgarii w latach 2013–2016 %A Woźnica, Rafał %J Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne %V 2017 %R 10.4467/2543733XSSB.17.018.7264 %N Tom XXV %P 291-306 %K Bułgaria, mur na granicy państwowej, kryzys uchodźczy, bezpieczeństwo narodowe %@ 2451-4993 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ssb/artykul/polityczne-aspekty-zarzadzania-kryzysem-migracyjnym-w-bulgarii-w-latach-2013-2016 %X The current refugee crisis faces Bulgaria the clash between European values and humanity and fears of loss of security and violation of these very values. Data suggest that the rates of illegal migration through Bulgaria are relatively low, and the impact of refugee crisis on Bulgarian politics and society is relatively low (in comparision with other South and South-East Europe states). Bulgarian government undertook preventive measures to guard Bulgarian southern border (buill border fence, sent reinforcements from the Bulgarian Army), but as an external border of the UE, Bulgaria is tremendously interested in the adoption of a unifed all-European approach for a solidarity based solution of the problem.