%0 Journal Article %T Chronicle of Scholarly Events in Legal History Held in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic in 2021 %A Švecová, Adriana %A Lanczová, Ingrid %J Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa %V Tom 15 (2022) %R 10.4467/20844131KS.22.032.16180 %N Tom 15, Zeszyt 3 %P 485-488 %K Scholarly events, Slovakia, Czechia, legal history, conferences, academic degrees, monographs %@ 2084-4115 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/chronicle-of-scholarly-events-in-legal-history-held-in-the-slovak-republic-and-the-czech-republic-in-2021 %X