@article{65c007f3-a389-4d1c-b332-d0fd15b94ea1, author = {Janusz Sasak}, title = {Koncepcje e-usług publicznych i możliwości ich wdrażania w administracji samorządowej}, journal = {Zarządzanie Publiczne}, volume = {2009}, number = {Numer 4 (8)}, year = {2009}, issn = {1896-0200}, pages = {81-92},keywords = {e-government; e-health; e-learning; e-culture}, abstract = {The aim of the paper is to present concepts of providing public services by means of electronic communications canals. The emphasis is put on e-administration, e-health, e-learning and e-culture. The author discusses basic issues connected with the implementation of e-services and factors contributing to their development.  }, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/koncepcje-e-uslug-publicznych-i-mozliwosci-ich-wdrazania-w-administracji-samorzadowej} }