%0 Journal Article %T Odnowa obiektów sportowych i jej wpływ na rewitalizację miasta na przykładzie Stadionu Narodowego w Warszawie %A Tomanek, Mateusz %J Zarządzanie Publiczne %V 2015 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.15.007.3437 %N Numer 1 (29) %P 75-82 %K rewitalizacja, Stadion Narodowy, obiekty sportowe, sport %@ 1896-0200 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/odnowa-obiektow-sportowych-i-jej-wplyw-na-rewitalizacje-miasta-na-przykladzie-stadionu-narodowego-w-warszawie %X Restoration of sports facilities and its influence on the regeneration of a city on the example of the National Stadium in Warsaw This article will be devoted to the problematic aspects of revitalization of sports facilities and the influence they have on its closest surroundings. Change of functionality, adaptation to the world standards and also influence on the surroundings of such sports facilities all have huge effect on the final outcome of the revitalization.In this paper I will demonstrate some instances of undertakings, which not only have metamorphosed the aesthetics of a given housing estate but also have had a much more deeper influence – through altering the mentality of its inhabitants (i.e. social revitalization), or have contributed to the economic growth of a given city (e.g. Barcelona after the Olympics held in 1992).