%0 Journal Article %T Pszczółkowie z Krasnej koło Cieszyna od XVII do początku XX wieku %A Morys-Twarowski, Michael %J Prace Historyczne %V 2011 %R 10.4467/20844069PH.11.006.0152 %N Numer 138 %P 97-108 %K Pszczółkas; Krasna village; Polish history %@ 0083-4351 %D 2011 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-historyczne/artykul/pszczolkowie-z-krasnej-kolo-cieszyna-od-xvii-do-poczatku-xx-wieku %X The Pszczółkas from Krasna near Cieszyn (17th–20th century) The Pszczółkas were a Catholic family of peasants who lived in Krasna since the 17th century. Not later than in the 18th century they came into possession of land for settlement which remained in their possession for at least seven generations. If the father died at an advanced age, the household was taken over by the youngest son; if the father died prematurely, the household went into the hands of the oldest son. The Pszczółkas played an important role in the history of the village: Andrzej (1720–1783) and Jan (1787–1846) were heads of the village. Paweł (1825–1864) and his wife Maria contributed to the history of Krasna by adopting Jan Binkowski, who became the local teacher. Jan (1879–1926) took active part in Polish national movement just like his relatives and relatives-in law (e.g. Franciszek Tomanek from Ropica and his son Father Rudolf Tomanek, Franciszek Lipa from Bobrek, Andrzej Francus and his son Franciszek, Karol Biłko from Krasna).