@article{621b3eb7-f57f-4018-9373-1bff39415caa, author = {Piotr Swacha}, title = {Cenzura wobec Głosu Katolickiego na przełomie lat 40. i 50. XX wieku}, journal = {Zeszyty Prasoznawcze}, volume = {2017}, number = {Tom 60, Numer 3 (231)}, year = {2018}, issn = {0555-0025}, pages = {596-611},keywords = {katolicyzm; cenzura; artykuł; wartości}, abstract = {Censorship interferences in Głos Katolicki during late forties and early fifties of the 20th century   The purpose of the article is an analysis of censorship interferences in Głos Katolicki during late forties and early fifties of the 20th century. The source documents for this study were the materials produced by: Local Censorship Office in Poznan (mainly reports from interferences and reviews of the newspaper), Central Censorship Office in Warsaw (guidelines and teaching bulletins) and Central Committee of Polish United Workers’ Party (information about newspapers expenditures). The quantitative analysis (comparison of years 1948 and 1950) was carried out. Results of the analysis allowed to characterize press contents which were consistently excluded from publication. In the examined period the censorship most frequently excluded from the Poznan’s newspaper the opinions suggesting that the Catholic Church and believers in Poland were repressed by the state authorities. Large category of detained press contents consisted also of articles which presented the conflict of interests between the values of Christianity and Marxism.}, doi = {10.4467/22996362PZ.17.036.7333}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/cenzura-wobec-glosu-katolickiego-na-przelomie-lat-40-i-50-xx-wieku} }