%0 Journal Article %T Szkoła ogólnodostępna przestrzenią spotkania nauczycieli i pedagogów specjalnych – realizatorów idei edukacji włączającej %A Rutkowski, Mirosław %A Bidziński, Karol %J Niepełnosprawność %V 2018 %R 10.4467/25439561.NP.18.003.9841 %N Nr 29 (2018) %P 43-65 %K przestrzeń edukacyjna, specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne wynikające z niepełnosprawności, szkoła ogólnodostępna, specjalści z zakresu pedagogiki specjalnej, wsparcie dla nauczycieli %@ 2080-9476 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/szkola-ogolnodostepna-przestrzenia-spotkania-nauczycieli-i-pedagogow-specjalnych-realizatorow-idei-edukacji-wlaczajacej %X Mainstream school as a meeting space of teachers and special educators – promoting the idea of inclusive education In the contemporary education system, special education professionals meet much more complex requirements than in the past. They are expected to perform educational and therapeutic activities with students at special school, as well as to be able to co-create social space that meets the needs of students in different learning environments. One of these environments is a public, mainstream school, where teachers need to collaborate with special education professionals. The article aims to answer the question: in what way can special education and its theoretical and practical resources become a valuable source for teaching practices for mainstream school teachers? How can teachers and special education professionals work together to face and solve problems while working with special – education students whose individual developmental and educational needs result from disability?