@article{602c2295-a57a-4019-9a58-274a30699d9a, author = {Krzysztof Walczak}, title = {Pojęcie reprezentatywności związków zawodowych w świetle nowelizacji ustawy o związkach zawodowych}, journal = {Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy)}, volume = {Volume 25 (2018)}, number = {Tom 25 Zeszyt 3}, year = {2018}, issn = {1429-9585}, pages = {223-241},keywords = {związek zawodowy; reprezentatywna organizacja związkowa; układ zbiorowy pracy; Rada Dialogu Społecznego; pracownik; osoba wykonująca pracę zarobkową ; trade union; representative trade union organization; collective labor agreement; Social Dialogue Council; employee; worker}, abstract = {The concept of representativeness of trade unions in the light of the amendment to the Trade Unions Act The subject of the study is the analysis of the concept of representativeness of trade unions, which is extremely important for collective labor law. The author analyzes how the understanding of this concept changed in the historical approach and what are its basic assumptions in the light of the amendment to the Trade Unions Act. This analysis, however, is not limited to assessing the provisions from the point of view of Polish law, but shows how the concept of a representative trade union organization should be defined in the light of the conventions of the International Labour Organization. Finally, the author presents proposals for changes in law regarding not only to collective but also individual labour law.}, doi = {10.4467/25444654SPP.18.016.8825}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/pojecie-reprezentatywnosci-zwiazkow-zawodowych-w-swietle-nowelizacji-ustawy-o-zwiazkach-zawodowych} }