%0 Journal Article %T Migracje polskiego personelu medycznego do Wielkiej Brytanii po 2004 r. i ich wpływ na społeczeństwa i gospodarki %A Ślęzak, Ewa %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2014 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.13.011.2396 %N Tom 33 %P 154-165 %K international migration, brain drain, brain loss, transnationalism, social integration JEL classification: P2 %@ 2300-6102 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ibage/artykul/migracje-polskiego-personelu-medycznego-do-wielkiej-brytanii-po-2004-r-i-ich-wplyw-na-spoleczenstwa-i-gospodarki %X The paper aims at analysing the effects induced by the process of the Polish medical professionals’ migration to the United Kingdom following Poland’s accession to the European Union and their situation in the UK. Before all else, the major theories of migration will be presented in the context of the mobility of the Polish medical personnel. Then, the characteristics of the migrants and a sample will be presented. Finally, based on the conducted qualitative study, selected effects and consequences of their migration for societies and economies are going to be scrutinised.