%0 Journal Article %T Kształtowanie relacji między bezrobotnymi a instytucjami służb zatrudnienia %A Bujak, Kazimierz %J Zarządzanie Publiczne %V 2009 %N Numer 1 (5) %P 133-149 %@ 1896-0200 %D 2009 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/ksztaltowanie-relacji-miedzy-bezrobotnymi-a-instytucjami-sluzb-zatrudnienia %X The article treats about the problems of effective relationships between labour offices and their unemployed clients. The most desirable, from the point of view of realization of the mission of employment services, are relations of cooperation based upon the attitudes of the unemployed to obtain a job stimulated by their real intentions. There are, however, several barriers limiting relations between labour offices and the unemployed. The most important ones regard rigidity and overformalization of the procedures of employment services. There are also those connected with the process of communication, work organization of labour offices and effectiveness of their programmes addressed to their clients. In the final part of the paper the ways of overcoming the abovementioned barriers are shown.