@article{5dbe0960-eadb-4871-9e26-6a4c03e1c4b7, author = {Teresa Sołdra-Gwiżdż }, title = {Społeczne uwarunkowania rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w regionalnej społeczności (na przykładzie Opolszczyzny)}, journal = {Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej}, volume = {2015}, number = {Tom 20, numer 3}, year = {2015}, issn = {1507-4285}, pages = {105-112},keywords = {ekonomia społeczna; regionalna społeczność; postawy wobec pracy}, abstract = {Social determinates of the social economy development in regional community (the case of Opole region) The aim of my article is to give an analysis of selected social factors that have influenced the implementation of the Opole Program for Social Economy Development, which was created to answer the needs and problems of the region. The resources of human and social assets of disadvantaged groups in Opole region, which are the key to social economy projects success as a regional and local development factor, have been found to be insufficient and limited (transmission of poverty, welfare dependency, negative attitudes towards work). It is for these reasons that the success of the program will be above all determined by the actions taken to raise the level of knowledge and public awareness not only among potential beneficiaries of the program, but also among regional and local authorities, and by the development of social support system, in particular the cooperation procedures between local authorities and the nonprofit organizations.}, doi = {10.4467/24496138PS.15.008.5706}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-pracy-socjalnej/artykul/spoleczne-uwarunkowania-rozwoju-ekonomii-spolecznej-w-regionalnej-spolecznosci-na-przykladzie-opolszczyzny} }