@article{5c163ba7-7f48-462c-a617-72e53ab6b9ab, author = {Urszula Dębska, Halina Guła-Kubiszewska, Wojciech Starościak, Iwona Bielawska}, title = {<p> Zachowania zdrowotne osób w okresie wczesnej i późnej dorosłości – aspekt edukacyjny i behawioralny</p>}, journal = {Psychologia Rozwojowa}, volume = {2009}, year = {2009}, doi = {}, issn = {1895-6297}, pages = {77-88},keywords = {health behaviour; early adulthood; late adulthood; education}, abstract = {<p> <strong><em>Health behaviour in early and late adulthood – educational and behavioural aspects</em></strong></p> <p> Numerous transformations occurring in contemporary world concern also health and related behaviour. Increasing adaptive and preventive activities of individuals are becoming essential. New educational curricula introduce issues related to health, behaviour and healthy life styles.<br /> The research problem presented in the article concerns health behaviour of people in early (390 respondents) and late adulthood (117 respondents). The respondents were students of the Academy of Physical Education or pedagogy, and a fraction of elderly people consisted of students of the University of the Third Age (numbering 63). Our research aimed to compare prohealth activity among the respondents in order to answer the following questions: what the extent of their health activity is and whether health education is refl ected in behaviour. G. Dolińska’s Health Behaviour Survey and Inventory was employed. The research conducted confirmed the existence of significant differences among the respondents. The differences include both the intensity of behaviour and a predominance of certain types. The respondents exhibit an average level of health behaviour, although its increased intensity has been observed in late adulthood, especially among the students of the University of the Third Age. Also the students of health education yielded higher results than the remaining early adults.</p>}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/zachowania-zdrowotne-osob-w-okresie-wczesnej-i-poznej-doroslosci-aspekt-edukacyjny-i-behawioralny} }