%0 Journal Article %T Ulisses Aldrovandi, jego kolekcja przyrodnicza oraz związki z polskimi uczonymi. Część 2 %A Oszajca, Paulina %A Bela, Zbigniew %J Opuscula Musealia %V Volume 21 (2013) %R 10.4467/20843852.OM.13.014.2924 %N Volume 21 %P 181-187 %K Ulisses Aldrovandi, Marcin Fox, szesnastowieczne kolekcje przyrodnicze, naturaliści, encyklopedyści %@ 0239-9989 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/opuscula-musealia/artykul/ulisses-aldrovandi-jego-kolekcja-przyrodnicza-oraz-zwiazki-z-polskimi-uczonymi-czesc-2 %X The article is a continuation of the subject connected with the work of Ulissess Aldrovandi focusing on Polish scholars’ contribution to enrich his collection. Some specimens and prints he could not find personally, he received thanks to his friendship and correspondence with fellow scientists, former students and travellers interested in his work and in visiting his museum. Thanks to his Polish contacts, Aldrovandi could also extend his collection by specimens from Poland. The Professor of the Kraków Academy, Marcin Fox, who met the naturalist during his studies in Bologna, was particularly instrumental in acquiring exhibits. The exchange of letters and nature exhibits between the scientists continued from 1579 to 1588.