@article{598a9258-b452-4f97-9ff3-571339199619, author = {Kamil Nowak}, title = {Sutry jako źródło weryfikacji bezpośredniego wglądu w tradycji buddyzmu chan}, journal = {Studia Religiologica}, volume = {2017}, number = {Tom 50, Numer 1}, year = {2017}, issn = {0137-2432}, pages = {13-23},keywords = {chan; sutry; Zongmi; Yanshou; wenzi chan}, abstract = {The Sutras as a Source of Verification of a Direct Insight within the Tradition of Chan Buddhism The article discusses the connection between Chan Buddhism and the study of the Sutras and Śastras. The first part shows the prevalent view according to which Chan negates the value of texts, focusing only on the direct experience. The author then shows the historical dependence of this view and its lack of compatibility with many Chan Buddhist schools. In the later part, the author discusses the Wenzi Chan current and, based on its postulates, carries out an analysis of the texts belonging to the early Chan tradition. This aims to prove that, contrary to the view presented at the beginning of the article, one can demonstrate the existence of a highly influential movement in which the Sutras are valued equally to the direct insight.}, doi = {10.4467/20844077SR.17.002.6522}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-religiologica/artykul/sutry-jako-zrodlo-weryfikacji-bezposredniego-wgladu-w-tradycji-buddyzmu-chan} }