%0 Journal Article %T Understanding with Water: Hydro-art in Osieki (1973) %A Majewska-Güde, Karolina %J Przegląd Kulturoznawczy %V 2021 %R 10.4467/20843860PK.21.023.14080 %N Numer 2 (48) Błękitna humanistyka %P 356-374 %K art history, blue humanities, neo-avant-garde, plein-airs, environmental art %@ 1895-975X %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przeglad-kulturoznawczy/artykul/understanding-with-water-hydro-art-in-osieki-1973 %X The paper is located at the intersection of the art history of the Polish neo-avant-garde and the environmental humanities informed by feminist new materialisms. It proposes an interpretation of performative works in which artists used aqueous matter as an object of interaction, a source of artistic transcription, and as an active participant in artistic scenarios. It concentrates on works that were realized during the open-air art meetings in socialist Poland and in particular at the Osieki meeting in 1973 with the title The Art of Water Surfaces [Plastyka obszarów wodnych]. Based on the analyzed works, it offers a speculative reflection on Hydroart, which is defined as region-specific development parallel to land art practices.