@article{563da4e2-e939-46e6-a128-7bdf55df4793, author = {Katarzyna Plebańczyk}, title = {W stronę badań nad zarządzaniem w kulturze}, journal = {Zarządzanie w Kulturze}, volume = {2011}, number = {Tom 12, Numer 1}, year = {2013}, issn = {1896-8201}, pages = {55-67},keywords = {culture management; researches; culture policy; culture economics}, abstract = {Towards research on management in culture The author of the article analyzes the problem of culture management in Poland in the context of research. Studies dealing with this topic lead to but very few conclusions in Poland. They are associated generally with public culture and almost totally disregard other forms of cultural activity. The author considers the advantages and disadvantages of the statistical approach to culture. He stresses that in Poland there is no consistent methodology associated with the collection and processing of statistical data. The author presents various forms of research funding in this area such as for example Culture Observatory NCK. Take the subject approach to research among the people creating a culture – too strong an attachment to statistics, a lack of interestt the level of the administrative, lack of financial resources. The most tangible effects are: poor contact between creators and consumers of culture, lack of strategy development, low competitiveness of public institutions.}, doi = {10.4467/20843976ZK.11.005.0128}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/w-strone-badan-nad-zarzadzaniem-w-kulturze} }