%0 Journal Article %T Główne kierunki działalności Ligi Kobiet w Polsce Ludowej do 1975 roku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem województwa białostockiego) %A Dajnowicz, Małgorzata %J Prace Historyczne %V 2018 %R 10.4467/20844069PH.18.029.8491 %N Numer 145 (3) %P 579-601 %K Liga Kobiet, organizacja kobieca, system komunistyczny, KC PZPR, Polska Ludowa, województwo białostockie. %@ 0083-4351 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-historyczne/artykul/glowne-kierunki-dzialalnosci-ligi-kobiet-w-polsce-ludowej-do-1975-roku-ze-szczegolnym-uwzglednieniem-wojewodztwa-bialostockiego %X The main areas of the activities of Women’s League in Polish People’s Republic until 1975 (with special regard to Białystok Voivodeship)   Women’s League (till 1949 known under the name of the Social and Civic League of Women) was a large-scale women’s organization in Polish People’s Republic. Through the whole period of its existence, the organization’s priority was to build up the mass character of the League and expand its services to reach women from different walks of life, which corresponded with the general policy of the country aiming at implementing the so-called communist order. The members of Women’s League were at the same time members of the Polish United Workers’ Party. The League, apart from being a very effective propaganda tool, tried to play a real supportive role offering women practical help. However, it seems that although the organization focused on expanding the range of its services and attracting a growing number of members, it didn’t achieve the expected results.