@article{52a43078-d8a0-406f-b616-e12c8493e302, author = {Dariusz Kubinowski}, title = {Concepts of Animating Activities Developed and Constructed on the Ground of Polish Pedagogy: Historical-Comparative, Political-Institutional, and Paradigmatic-Applied “Loops”}, journal = {Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna}, volume = {V (2019)}, number = {Numer 5}, year = {2019}, issn = {2450-4572}, pages = {53-68},keywords = {pedagogy of animating activities; Polish pedagogy; the essence of animation; the aspects of animating activities; the social role of an animator 1}, abstract = {The article highlights and justifies the sources, achievements and need to further develop the pedagogy of animating activities. The author points to the multiple “loops” accompanying the constitution of this relatively new pedagogical sub discipline, referring to history and a comparative perspective. Animation is an original field of pedagogical activity with a significant educational, social, cultural and even economic potential. The achievements of Polish pedagogy of animating activities are impressive but little known around the world. The author refers to key academic centres, scientific publications and concepts regarding components of knowledge about animation, noting the need for its permanent updating.}, doi = {10.4467/24504564PMP.19.002.11097}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/polska-mysl-pedagogiczna/artykul/concepts-of-animating-activities-developed-and-constructed-on-the-ground-of-polish-pedagogy-historical-comparative-political-institutional-and-paradigmatic-applied-loops} }