%0 Journal Article %T Polityka aktywizacji osób długotrwale bezrobotnych. Eksperymenty i dobre praktyki – próba analizy na podstawie doświadczeń Holandii, Niemiec i Polski %A Świerczek, Katarzyna %J Zarządzanie Publiczne %V 2018 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.18.025.8811 %N Numer 3 (43) %P 313-322 %K bezrobocie, aktywizacja zawodowa, polityka społeczna %@ 1896-0200 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/polityka-aktywizacji-osob-dlugotrwale-bezrobotnych-eksperymenty-i-dobre-praktyki-proba-analizy-na-podstawie-doswiadczen-holandii-niemiec-i-polski %X Policy of activation of long term unemployed: Experiments and good practices – analysis based on the experience of the Netherlands, Germany and Poland The paper reviews the reforms that have been carried out in the Netherlands, Germany and in Poland, in the context of the policy of activating the long-term unemployed. Its purpose was to compare changes made in individual countries and to identify similarities and differences between them. The method of analysis of existing sources and legal acts was used. The text attempts to identify gaps in the system of counteracting long-term unemployment, especially in the context of the rarely undertaken assessment of the measures implemented.