%0 Journal Article %T Kształt typograficzny statutu Stanisława Sarnickiego %A Winiarska, Aleksandra %J Terminus %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20843844TE.20.004.11956 %N Tom 22, zeszyt 1 (54) 2020 %P 71-97 %K statute, typography, woodcut, history of legislation %@ 2082-0984 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/terminus/artykul/ksztalt-typograficzny-statutu-stanislawa-sarnickiego %X The Typographical Shape of the Statute of Stanisław Sarnicki This paper deals with the issue of the typographical shape of Stanisław Sarnicki’s Stat­ute of 1594. It presents Sarnicki as the author and the circumstances surrounding the publication of the collection. The study focuses on the analysis of typographical means used in the document, with emphasis on their aesthetic and functional aspects. Par­ticular attention was paid to typefaces and the ornamental and illustrative elements in the book. The historical and ideological importance of woodcuts printed in the Statute was also pointed out.