@article{4f945c7a-2b17-4ff0-b951-8ef762e5b731, author = {Raluca E. Iftime}, title = {Paradigmele termenilor militari de origine polonă în cronicile lui Miron Costin, Nicolae Costin şi Ion Neculce}, journal = {Romanica Cracoviensia}, volume = {Tom 16 (2016)}, number = {Tom 16, Numer 2}, year = {2016}, issn = {1732-8705}, pages = {65-74},keywords = {Polish language influence; military terminology; Polish loanwords into Romanian; old Romanian language; Romanian-Polish contacts}, abstract = {The article examines the influence exercised by Polish language with regard to military terminology of old Romanian vocabulary. By establishing three lexical-semantic fields, we shall take into account generic names of military personnel, generic names of military grades and generic names of weaponry and munitions. Polish influence over Romanian old vocabulary between XVI and XVIII centuries is the result of direct relations between Romanian and Polish savants, due to contact of Moldavian scholars with Polish schools during their studies and with Polish realities or due to presence of Polish people in Moldova, as missionaries and/or travelers. Therefore, we shall examine how Polish influence has distributed over Romanian old texts, such as chronicles or text translations from Polish language by rendering to Romanian language lexical loanwords into the military field of direct Polish origin or lexemes in Polish originated from Latin or sometimes, a Romanic idiom.  }, doi = {10.4467/20843917RC.16.007.5928}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/romanica-cracoviensia/artykul/paradigmele-termenilor-militari-de-origine-polona-in-cronicile-lui-miron-costin-nicolae-costin-si-ion-neculce} }