%0 Journal Article %T Doświadczanie nierówności w statusie społecznym i bullyingu w środowisku szkolnym. Percepcja dzieci polskich imigrantów w Norwegii %A Strzemecka, Stella %A Slany, Krystyna %J Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny %V 2019 (XLV) %R 10.4467/25444972SMPP.19.007.10257 %N Nr 1 (171) %P 149-170 %K migration, immigrant children, school, socio-economic inequalities, bullying, children’s perspective, peer work, Poles in Norway %@ 2081-4488 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/smpp/artykul/doswiadczanie-nierownosci-w-statusie-spolecznym-i-bullyingu-w-srodowisku-szkolnym-percepcja-dzieci-polskich-imigrantow-w-norwegii %X Experiencing Inequalities in Social Status and Bullying within a School Environment. Perception of Children of Polish Immigrants in Norway This article discusses a mosaic of unfavorable aspects related to the socio-economic situation of children of Polish immigrants in the Norwegian school environment. The main focus is placed on discrimination experienced by these children due to non-majority social status (as compared to Norwegian children). Moreover, we examine memories and experiences of peer violence in a form of bullying and individual coping strategies seen as ‘peer work’. We demonstrate that socio-economic inequalities manifested by children can be seen in the bullying acts. In addition, we show the role of the Norwegian school and the school environment in a process of integration among the children of Polish immigrants. We note how it shapes their self-esteem, as well as assess social status of a family and the economic situation in the countries of origin and arrival. The article is based on the results of two research projects: Children’s experience of growing up transnationally (Work Package 5 conducted within the Transfam project between 2013 and 2016) and The adaptation process of children of Polish immigrants. Field research in Norway (a doctoral project implemented in 2013–2014 at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University).