@article{4e958b80-43e4-4acb-a345-16f80916ca0f, author = {Anna Ewa Koprowicz, Urszula Kwapisz}, title = {Wpływ mediów zachodniopomorskich na profilaktykę raka piersi na tle porównawczym}, journal = {Zeszyty Prasoznawcze}, volume = {2015}, number = {Tom 58, Numer 2 (222)}, year = {2015}, issn = {0555-0025}, pages = {387-404},keywords = {breast cancer; cancer Prophylaxis; mammographic screening}, abstract = {Influence of zachodniopomorski media on the prevention of the breast cancer on the comparative background It was noted that multimedia programmes are very important in the promotion of health, and that thanks to media publications there is an increase in the number of women requesting prophylactic examinations and an increase in knowledge about cancers. These activities are still not enough, because organisations and institutions promoting health are not cooperating closely enough in creating joint campaigns. A change in thinking patterns and activities would enable an increase in the knowledge of cancer with patients by making available a new offer ensuring an increased number of programmes, with simultaneous savings in funds, while maintaining standards of the highest quality and the participation of medical authorities.  }, doi = {10.4467/2299-6362PZ.15.028.4138 }, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/wplyw-mediow-zachodniopomorskich-na-profilaktyke-raka-piersi-na-tle-porownawczym} }