TY - JOUR TI - Wykorzystanie wiedzy o umyśle dla funkcjonowania osób z zaburzeniami/niepełnosprawnością zmysłu wzroku AU - Belzyt, Joanna Iza TI - Wykorzystanie wiedzy o umyśle dla funkcjonowania osób z zaburzeniami/niepełnosprawnością zmysłu wzroku AB - The knowledge about the mind for functioning of persons with disorder/disabilities of sight Senses with which we are experiencing world closely are cooperating with themselves. In determined situations (e.g. at disturbing one of senses or while intentional isolating senses) the role of senses can change from leading on support. When one of senses is yielding to injury functioning of the entire system is changing as well as individual of his elements. Situations are happening, when persons with disability in the natural way or thanks to possibilities a contemporary technology is giving which sustain the situation determined as the „mix sense”. In the article examples of persons were quoted, of which brain as a result of loss of the sense of sight and for change in functioning of areas of the brain or also excitements of areas of the brain neighbouring oneself, whether thanks to technologies can develop his compensating abilities unexpectedly what he is establishing, that the flexibility of the brain and the sense of sight is much greater than so far they supposed, what was bringing new hopes and challenges persons with dysfunction/disabilities, as well as for teachers and psychotherapists. VL - 2016 IS - Nr 21 (2016) PY - 2016 SN - 2080-9476 C1 - 2544-0519 SP - 47 EP - 57 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/wykorzystanie-wiedzy-o-umysle-dla-funkcjonowania-osob-z-zaburzeniami-niepelnosprawnoscia-zmyslu-wzroku KW - synestezja KW - plastyczność mózgu KW - niepełnosprawność zmysłów KW - niepełnosprawność wzroku KW - funkcje zmysłów KW - „cyborgi” / synaesthesia KW - plasticity of the brain KW - disability of senses KW - visual disability KW - functions of senses KW - „cyborgs”