%0 Journal Article %T Charakterystyka stosunków dyplomatycznych Czarnogóry i Republiki Albanii %A Bojović, Filip %J Wschodnioznawstwo %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20827695WSC.20.013.13341 %N Tom 14 %P 235-247 %K Albania, Montenegro, diplomatic relations, national minorities %@ 2082-7695 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/wschodnioznawstwo/artykul/charakterystyka-stosunkow-dyplomatycznych-czarnogory-i-republiki-albanii %X Characteristics of diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the Republic of Albania In this article, the author describes modern diplomatic relations between Montenegro and Albania. In order to present the close ties between the two countries, will be shown the common history of both nations, which influenced the subsequent development of diplomatic relations. Attention will be focused primarily on the main branches of cooperation and on joint initiatives in the field of protection of national minorities.