%0 Journal Article %T Элементы классической метрики в футуристическом воплощении ритма (на материале избранных произведений В. Хлебникова и М. Семенкo) %A Panas, Ksenia %J Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis %V 2015 %R 10.4467/20843933ST.15.003.4094 %N Volume 10, Issue 1 %P 27-35 %K classical metrics, poetry, futuristic lyrics, Ukrainian and Russian futurism %@ 1897-3035 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-litteraria-uic/artykul/elementy-klassicheskoi-metriki-v-futuristicheskom-voploshchenii-ritma-na-materiale-izbrannykh-proizvedenii-v-khlebnikova-i-m-semenko %X The above work is an attempt to identify metric units characteristics of the classical poetry, especially the Greek one, in futuristic lyrics. The works by two outstanding representatives of Ukrainian and Russian futurism were analyzed. As for their construction, the verses have to be defined as polimetric. On the example of these verses it is possible to trace the sophisticated combination of metric units from which the classical Greek lyrics originated. Deliberate usage of the elements of Greek prosody is suppositional. Although this fact has been supported by certain evidence, it was never declared openly by the authors. The problem of the presence of classical metric units in futuristic poetry has only been outlined in the present research. Undoubtedly it constitutes a vast area to be researched and opens the unexplored horizons of semantics hidden in the form of futuristic poetry.