%0 Journal Article %T O stosunku pracy raz jeszcze. Horyzontalne oddziaływanie praw konstytucyjnych a stosunek pracy %A Musiała, Anna %J Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy) %V Volume 26 (2019) %R 10.4467/25444654SPP.19.013.10677 %N Tom 26 Zeszyt 3 %P 183-193 %K stosunek pracy, horyzontalne oddziaływanie praw konstytucyjnych a stosunek pracy / employment relationship, horizontal impact of constitutional rights vs. employment relationship %@ 1429-9585 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/o-stosunku-pracy-raz-jeszcze-horyzontalne-oddzialywanie-praw-konstytucyjnych-a-stosunek-pracy %X Employment relationship revisited: horizontal impact of constitutional rights vs. employment relationship Adopting a perspective of the legal system’s division into private law and public law, the author states that employment relationship is a legal relationship with a separate status within the domain of private legal relationships. She also demonstrates that it has an absolutely complex character along with a social goal and purpose, the latter being so far actually “undiscovered” in the legal literature. But first and foremost she claims that employment relationship, being a type of a private legal relationship, very strongly “permeates” the sphere of public law, which results from the horizontal impact of constitutional rights within employment relationship (however, it cannot be conclusively confined to any category of administrative law, despite sharing a number of similarities with a public economic enterprise or a public institution). She emphasizes that the employee is in fact employed by the workplace and not the employer, because the employer is merely a certain “body” of this workplace. ASJC: 3308   JEL: K31