@article{479292b1-cd05-45b7-b0c0-eee343c683bc, author = {Piotr Przybytek}, title = {Prasowa działalność wydawnicza krakowskiego Towarzystwa Gospodarczo-Rolniczego w latach 1850–1862}, journal = {Zeszyty Prasoznawcze}, volume = {2013}, number = {Tom 56, Numer 3 (215)}, year = {2013}, issn = {0555-0025}, pages = {401-425},keywords = {XIX wiek; Kraków; krakowskie Towarzystwo Gospodarczo-Rolnicze; prasa rolnicza; prasa ludowa; gatunki prasowe; rubryki prasowe; autorzy prasowi; tematyka prasowa}, abstract = {The first part of the article ”Press Publishing Activities of Cracow Economic and Agricultural Society in the years 1850–1862” presents the Society’s attempts to establish its press organ in Cracow’s newspaper market for a longer time. Appendix to the “Time” Dedicated to Industry, Agriculture, and Farming Technology (1850), independent semi-annual Annual of the Imperial-Royal Cracow Economic and Agricultural Society (1851–1853), and Agro-Industrial Weekly (1854–1862) were established. Journalistic genres and columns characteristic of these three periodicals were discussed in the article. Also presented was the unrealized plan of the Society: to publish a magazine „for the people”. During these several years, the Society did not lack determination and flexibility in their attempts to publish their own magazine.}, doi = {10.4467/2299-6362PZ.13.023.1385}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/prasowa-dzialalnosc-wydawnicza-krakowskiego-towarzystwa-gospodarczo-rolniczego-w-latach-1850-1862} }