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Directive (EU) 2016/1919 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on legal aid for suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings and for requested persons in European arrest warrant proceedings, Official Journal of the European Union of 2016, L 297. Directive 2012/13/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 22 May 2012 on the right to information in criminal proceedings, Official Journal of the European Union of 2012, L 142. Directive 2013/48/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and European arrest warrant proceedings, and on the right to have a third party informed upon deprivation of liberty and to communicate with third persons and with consular authorities while deprived of liberty, Official Journal of the European Union of 2013, L 294. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, opened for signature on 16 December 1966 in New York (Journal of Laws of 1977, no. 38, item 167). Judgements Case law of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 11 December 2012, ref. no. K 37/11, OTK-A 2012, no. 1. Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 3 June 2008, ref. no. K 42/07, OTK-A 2008, no. 5. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 9 February 2004, V KK 194/03, OSNKW 2004, no. 4, item 42. Case law of the European Court of Human Rights ECtHR judgment in Dvorski v. Croatia of 20.10.2015, Application No. 25703/11. ECtHR judgment of 10.10.2002 in Czekalla v. Portugal, Application No. 38830/97. ECtHR judgment of 10.6.1996 in Benham v. United Kingdom, Application No. 19380/92. ECtHR judgment of 10 December 1982 in Corigliano v. Italy, A 57. ECtHR judgment of 10 December 1982 in Foti and Others v. Italy, A 56. ECtHR judgment of 11.7.2006 in Jalloh v. Germany, Application No. 54810/00. ECtHR judgment of 12.5.2017 in Simeonovi v. Bulgaria, Application No. 21980/04. ECtHR judgment of 12.7.1984 in Can v. Austria, no. 9300/81. ECtHR judgment of 13.1.2019 in Rybacki v. Poland, Application no. 52479/99. ECtHR judgment of 13.9.2016 in Ibrahim and Others v. United Kingdom; Applications No. 50541/08, 50571/08, 50573/08, and 40351/09. ECtHR judgment of 16.5.2017 in Artur Parkhomenko v Ukraine, Application no. 40464/05. ECtHR judgment of 17.2.2009 in İbrahim Öztürk v. Turkey, Application No. 16500/04. ECtHR judgment of 18.12.2001 in R.D. v. Poland, Applications No. 29692/96 and 34612/97. ECtHR judgment of 19.11.2015 in Mikhaylova v. Russia, Application No. 46998/08. ECtHR judgment of 19.2.1991 in Artico v. Italy, Application No. 11910/85. ECtHR judgment of 2.11.2010 in Sakhnovskiy v. Russia, Application No. 21272/73. ECtHR judgment of 20.1.2009 in Güveç v. Turkey, Application No. 70337/01. ECtHR judgment of 20.10.2005, Application No. 25703/11. ECtHR judgment of 21.1.1999 in Van Geyseghem v. Belgium, Application No. 26103/95. ECtHR judgment of 21.4.1998 in Daud v. Portugal, Application No. 22600/93. ECtHR judgment of 21 February 1984 in Öztürk v. Germany, Application No. 16500/04. ECtHR judgment of 22.9.1994 in Pelladoah v. the Netherlands, Application No. 16737/90. ECtHR judgment of 23.10.2018 in Mehmet Duman v. Turkey, Application No. 38740/09. ECtHR judgment of 24.1.2019 in Knox v. Italy, Application No. 76577/13. ECtHR judgment of 24.10.1993 in Imbrioscia v. Switzerland, Application No. 13972/88. ECtHR judgment of 24.5.1991 in Quaranta v. Switzerland, Application No. 12744/87. ECtHR judgment of 25.4.1983 in Pakelli v. Germany, Application No. 8398/78. ECtHR judgment of 25.7.2013 in Khodorkovskiy and Lebedev v. Russia, Applications No. 11082/06 and 13772/05. ECtHR judgment of 25.7.2017 in M. v. the Netherlands, Application No. 2156/10. ECtHR judgment of 25.8.1992 in Croissant v. Germany, Application No. 13611/88. ECtHR judgment of 26.07.2002 in Meftah and Others v. France, Applications No. 32911/96, 35237/97, and 34595/97. ECtHR judgment of 27.11.2007 in Zagaria v. Italy, Application No. 58295/00. ECtHR judgment of 27.11.2008 in Salduz v Turkey, Application No. 36391/02. ECtHR judgment of 27.11.2018 in Soytemiz v. Turkey, Application No. 57837/09. ECtHR judgment of 28.11.1991 in S. v. Switzerland, Applications No. 12629/87 and 13965/88. ECtHR judgment of 28.3.1990 in Granger v. UK, Application No. 11932/86. ECtHR judgment of 29.6.2016 in Truten v. Ukraine, Application No. 18041/08. ECtHR judgment of 29.8.2008 in Caresana v. United Kingdom, Application No. 31541/96. ECtHR judgment of 30.5.2013 in Martin v. Estonia, Application No. 35985/09. ECtHR judgment of 6.1.2016 in Turbylev v. Russia, Application No. 4722/09. ECtHR judgment of 9.11.2018 in Beuze v. Belgium, Application No. 71409/10. ECtHR judgment of 9.4.2015 in Vamvakas v. Greece (No. 2), Application No. 2870/11.