%0 Journal Article %T Nowe oblicze komunikacji. Wybrane aspekty prawne i etyczne rozpowszechniania treści w cyberprzestrzeni %A Różycka, Magdalena %J Zarządzanie Mediami %V 2015 %R 10.4467/23540214ZM.15.007.4311 %N Tom 3, Numer 2 %P 107-120 %K cyberspace, convergence, law, media %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/nowe-oblicze-komunikacji-wybrane-aspekty-prawne-i-etyczne-rozpowszechniania-tresci-w-cyberprzestrzeni %X New face of communication. Selected legal and ethical aspects of spreading contents in the cyberspace   It can be regarded as we have a problem with the application of its provisions to the content present in the network in terms of law because regulations on media infiltrate boundaries – so, and the media themselves. Polish law is not adapted to the changing technology reality. And it is not only the universal use of social media. Traditional media also taking into account the convergence process are present in the network. The purpose of this publication is to analyze certain aspects of legal regulations concerning the distribution of content in cyberspace – on the basis of the law in Poland the media. To demonstrate that self-regulation in the area of electronic media has the great advantage that it can go in a relatively short distance for the development of “new” media. In contrast, new, precise regulations in the matter of electronic media are difficult to be implemented in a short time.