TY - JOUR TI - Przestępstwo znęcania się nad zwierzętami wolno żyjącymi (dzikimi) AU - Gądzik, Zuzanna B. TI - Przestępstwo znęcania się nad zwierzętami wolno żyjącymi (dzikimi) AB - Crimes regarding the abuse of free-living (wild) animals The article addresses the issue of criminal responsibility for the crime of abuse of free-living (wild) animals. It touches upon the issues related to the assessment of a legal interest – humanitarian protection of animals, which this crime targets. The aim of this protection is to counteract actions which involve the illegal infliction of gratuitous and excessive pain or suffering to animals. Moreover, the two-way nature of the aforementioned protection and the way in which wild animals are subjected to it are also highlighted. The article also includes the analysis of the elements of animal abuse crime, with particular attention put on its forms towards wild animals and game. Keywords: protection of animals, humanitarian protection of animals, animal abuse, wild animals, game VL - 2021 IS - 3 (28) PY - 2021 SN - 2392-1943 C1 - 2720-3670 SP - 125 EP - 145 DO - 10.4467/23921943RP.21.026.15118 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/przestepstwo-znecania-sie-nad-zwierzetami-wolno-zyjacymi-dzikimi KW - ochrona zwierząt KW - ochrona humanitarna zwierząt KW - znęcanie się nad zwierzętami KW - zwierzęta dzikie KW - zwierzęta łowne