@article{431390f3-82a5-4e42-8bbb-a41b750a7889, author = {Waldemar Frąc}, title = {Pragnienie utopii w najlepszym z możliwych światów. Ideowy dylemat  Solaris Stanisława Lema  wobec filmowych przedstawień Andrieja Tarkowskiego  i Stevena Soderbergha}, journal = {Przegląd Kulturoznawczy}, volume = {2016}, number = {Numer 3 (29)}, year = {2016}, issn = {1895-975X}, pages = {334-343},keywords = {film adaptations of Solaris; metaphysical optimism; Leibniz; utopian and dystopian fiction; unrestricted progress; Berdyaev; Popper}, abstract = {Desire for Utopia in the Best of All  Possible  Worlds.  Dilemma  Ideas in Stanislaw  Lem’s Solaris toward film adaptations directed by Andrei Tarkovsky and Steven Soderbergh. The problem of the history of ideas (unrestricted progress) in the Solaris written by Stanislaw Lem and in most known film adaptations directed by Andrei Tarkovsky (1972) and Steven Soderbergh (2002). Utopia as a camouflage of dystopia. Imperfection of human nature and metaphysical optimism. Utopian thinking in trans- and post-humanism. Possibility (?) of total communication (Lem’s novel) and the image of impenetrable mystery (Tarkovsky’s movie). Inevitability of defeat (Lem) and the image of salvation (Soderbergh).  }, doi = {10.4467/20843860PK.16.025.6027}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przeglad-kulturoznawczy/artykul/pragnienie-utopii-w-najlepszym-z-mozliwych-swiatow-ideowy-dylemat-solaris-stanislawa-lema-wobec-filmowych-przedstawien-andrieja-tarkowskiego-i-stevena-soderbergha} }